A secret passage in plain sight whisks you to this venerated seaside meadow. From the small parking lot, a footpath squeezes between the hedgerows, across Montecito Creek, past estate gardens and along a charming beach on its way to the salient piece of earth that gives this place such meaning. Shalawa Meadow is sacred land. With roots reaching back over 10,000 years, this is an ancient Chumash burial site.
This small parcel of open land with a view across the ocean to the islands is a powerful spot to think about the deep and rich history of those who came before us. A small, colorful monument adorned with dolphins has stood in in the meadow for decades. Its inscription reads:
The Sacredness
of the land lies in
the minds of its people.
This land is dedicated
to the Spirit
and memory of
the ancestors and
their children.
Shalawa monument inscription