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Ojai Demonstration Garden Path

Ojai Demonstration Garden Path

A dressing room for landscapes, Ojai’s Demonstration Garden sends you along stepping stones and narrow pathways to audition an intriguing spectrum of plants and learn about garden tending. Nestled between and connected by footpaths to several other lovely discoveries – this place is like a luscious wedge of Monkey Bread – huddled up to Ojai City Hall’s gardens, the whimsical Dorothy Banks Memorial Garden and lower Libby Park. The kiosk in the middle of the Community Garden is a good first stop for orientation and educational guidance. A patchwork of exemplary gardens fan out from here, showcasing lavender, salvia, succulents, grasses, native and Australian plants. Follow the path to the spacious seating area and then scamper along the edge of a ravine, through a moment of peaceful chaparral, back around through City Hall’s gardens past the Pickleball courts and trellised terrace – to where you began. A motley adventure – and a marvelous one.


Incase we’ve inspired a craving – this somewhat sinful treat is virtually effortless to make and great for picnics: use 2 rolls of ready-to-bake dough (biscuits or rolls cut into quarters or crescent rolls wadded up). Fill a large sealable bag with 1/2 cup of sugar and 2 teaspoons of cinnamon and toss in dough pieces to coat. Pour into a buttered bundt pan and cover with a a mixture of 1/2 cup melted butter and 1/2 cup brown sugar. Add nuts and/or raisins if you like. Bake until lightly browned (25ish minutes).


Dorothy Banks Memorial Garden, Libby Park, Ojai City Hall Gardens