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Ringing Rocks & Falls Creek Waterfall

Ringing Rocks & Falls Creek Waterfall

Bring your hammers – and keep your kids close!

Nature has really outdone herself here, serving up not one, but two distinctly magnificent spectacles. Just a few yards from the parking lot toward that clinking noise, a broad field of boulders appears, sprawling like a flood. And everywhere dimpled highlights invite your hammer to make them sing. Find the right nook and you can play “Mary Had a Little Lamb” with your own set of steel drums!

Down the path a short stretch, the waterfall lays in wait. Stay with your kids because there are no barricades surrounding the intriguing and steep drop. I’ve only seen a splattering of water in scant pools and thin trickling sheets falling across the rock face – so that the empty flat-rock riverbed becomes a natural (though somewhat slippery) path. Trails also parallel the riverbed on both sides and up- and downstream of the falls.

The loop past the ringing rocks and waterfall is quite short but you can take the ringing rocks trail all the way down to (and back from) the Delaware Canal Trail.


The Happy Hedgehog Band by Martin Waddell and Jill Barton is a lovely picture book about the joy of making music – using whatever’s around you!


Delaware Canal Trail




Something old and dramatic with lots of bells and whistles, like a vintage Port – which manages to shelter lyrical, romantic notes of deep rich berry and dark chocolate within its chiseled and uncompromising structure.