This expanse of rolling farmland and forgotten pastures, plastered over here and there with crusted bands of weed-breached pavement seems not to be top of anybody’s mind. Combine that with a gentle incline and sweeping bends and you’ve got an excellent race track for little bikers. Not much chance of any human obstacles.
On the periphery, flanking the housing developments, short pathways are nicely cared for and shaded – with access points from various points among the cul de sacs.
This place made me think of the homemade wine I had in Hajós, Hungary – where it seemed like everyone had one house they lived in and another one across the meadow where they made and drank their wine and took their siestas. Honey-colored in its plastic milk jug, this Hárslevelű white lingers in my memory as intense with an alcoholic warmth spread over pleasant, tangy pear and marzipan notes. Hajós produces elegant wines as well, but that would elicit a different footpath….